Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Why You Need Kitchen Shears

Perhaps you are wondering. We all have different kinds of knives in our kitchen for cutting purpose, why would we need a kitchen shear. Is it any different from regular scissors? What are the uses?

Here it is, the most underrated kitchen tool, you’ll be amazed to see how versatile a kitchen shear can be.

What Is A Kitchen Shear

best kitchen scissors

It’s not a regular scissor, it’s more heavy duty by design. The handles are made of plastic or rubber, often containing teeth on the inside part. The blades are not attached permanently. Rather they come unhinged for easy cleaning purposes. They are shaped like shears.

Not a one trick pony, a kitchen shear is built for multitasking. Let’s see the reasons why you need kitchen shears.

Reasons to keep a good pair of kitchen shears

For Cutting Meats

The obvious and the main reason. Have you ever tried to cut a raw, slippery chunk of beef with knives? It’s not easy and often frustrating. Try kitchen shears from now on. The task will be rather fun.

Cutting through the soft part of a chicken can be done with a knife. But nothing can beat a good pair of the best kitchen scissors when it comes to cutting through the joints and the bones, especially the backbone.

Easily Cut Up Vegetables And Herbs

Easily Cut Up Vegetables And Herbs

No need to find your chopping board. Just take the vegetables, herbs or mushrooms in your hand, slice them into any size you want and put them directly in a bowl or container.

Open Bottle Screw Caps Easily

We all know how frustrating it can be if a new bottle cap doesn’t open up. You can use hot waters, or rubber grippers to help you with that. Or, you can just go for your kitchen shears and use the inner part of the handles which usually contain teeth-like grippers.

Cutting Foods For Toddlers

Nowadays, parents love to see their baby starts eating ‘regular’ foods. To achieve that, a pair of kitchen shears can help a lot by slicing the foods, dried vegetables, bread into small bites. It’s clean and the quickest way.

Chopping Canned Foods

Whether it’s canned tomatoes, bell peppers or pineapple rings, kitchen shears can make your job mess free. Just cut the tomatoes (or other foods) straight on the can, no touch of either hand is needed.

Cutting A Pizza Or A Bread

Cutting A Pizza Or A Bread
This can be done with a knife, that’s true. But we wouldn’t want to leave marks or scratches on our table or plate in the process of doing that. Use your kitchen shears for easy and even slices.

Risk Free

Using knives are not prohibited. Actually, they are one of the essential tools of a kitchen. But sometimes, when cutting slippery fishes, meats, or chicken through the bones, using a pair of kitchen shears is a better option.

Easy Cleaning

You might want to wash it well after cutting meat, and before using it again to cut vegetables. The blades can be disassembled easily unlike regular scissors, which means they can be washed easily and can avoid getting rusty for a long time.


It’s not going to take a lot of space, probably 8-9 inches in length. But the advantage it provides is huge. A knife needs a support, usually your table or chopping board to cut. But a pair of kitchen shears? They are independent, safe and clean. Start using it, and it will be your most used kitchen tool in no time.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Everything You Need to Know About Best KitchenAid Attachment

Best KitchenAid Attachment

Hey, welcome to our latest blog post. Today I’m going to discuss important kitchen stuff. As a chef or kitchen person, you’ve to know this.

I hope you all are familiar with KitchenAid. And today I will teach how to buy Best KitchenAid Attachment?

There are huge kinds of KitchenAid products. The most typical KitchenAid product is its stand mixer. I hope that you guys will be able to understand details about KitchenAid attachments.

Before buying a KitchenAid stand mixer, you’ve to ask some question your own.
These are,

Why do you need a stand mixer?

kitchen mixer

It’s the first question that you’ve to ask yourself. You’ve to be sure about that you need a stand mixer. A stand mixer can make your kitchen tasks easier than ever. You can’t imagine how much useful it is. It helps to make bread, cakes, or pasta quickly.

If you have got a stand mixer how often would you use it?

Kitchen mixer is a crucial opponent for the kitchen. But we don’t use it always usually. So you’ve to define this question answer that how often you would use it.

Do you’ve space in your kitchen for a kitchen mixer?

Kitchen mixer is not lightweight and small. Is there enough room in your kitchen for a kitchen mixer? You’ve to consider this option before buying a KithenAid kitchen mixer.

Kitchen mixers are massive, and you can’t move it quickly whenever you want. So you’ve to understand about your kitchen space.

If there has enough space for setting up a kitchen mixer, then you’ve to fixed a particular place for it.
You have to try your best for set it up in a convenient area.

Types of Kitchen Mixer

Types of Kitchen Mixer
There are several kinds of kitchen mixers. Even KitchenAid is also selling several kinds of the kitchen mixer. Here we will emphasize in stand mixers.

Yes, we’re discussing stand kitchen mixer. A stand mixer is worthier than a hand mixer. And hand mixer is a traditional product.

There are some advantages in stand mixers; it is stronger than hand a mixer. It mixes the substance appropriately and thoroughly.

There are some digital controlling systems available into a stand mixer.

Here as a type of kitchen mixer, we’ve picked stand mixers. We’re talking all these about a stand mixer.

Kitchen Mixer Weight

Does kitchen mixer weight matter? Yes, it does matter. We know most of the KitchenAid kitchen mixers are cumbersome and hard to carry.

Remember more massive mixer will be sturdier also. The weight depends on your needs. If you need to move it often, then you’ve to buy one that is easy to lift.

Otherwise, if you want to place it on your kitchen permanently, then we suggest you buy one thick and high.

Kitchen Mixer Size

Already we talked about kitchen size, and here I’ll show the perfect size for a kitchen mixer. Kitchen mixer size depends on two facts.
  • Your Kitchen Room’s Size
  • How Much Food You Will Mix Weekly 
Yes, you’ve to answer these two questions. You’ll be able to pick the perfect size kitchen mixer if you can respond to these two questions.

If you want to bake daily, then I suggest to invest some big and buy a large one.

Kitchen Mixer Look and Model

Kitchen mixer look and model isn’t a big fact. You buy a simple black or white kitchen mixer. There are several kinds of model available. You don’t have to face obstacles while looking for a perfect example. KitchenAid is selling good looking and several models’ kitchen mixer.

Easy to Clean

Hand mixers are easier to clean than a stand mixer. The stand mixer has huge difficult parts, and they are hard to clean. Some of them are dishwasher safe, and most of them need to wash by hand. You need to wash your mixing bowl, and it depends on your type of mixer.


In this article, I’ve tried to teach how to buy best KitchenAid attachment. I hope you will find it useful and it will help you to pick the best one. If you can follow all these facts and consider this proper way you’ll be worth for you.

Thanks and leave you to comment about your kitchen mixer.


Monday, April 3, 2017

The Best Ways To Utilize Cookware Sets

cookware set

A kitchen tends to revolve around its cookware. A professional grade stove is useless if using an old, burnt, and permanently greased up skillet.

For years my kitchen consisted of one poor old skillet and a dented pot. My poor cooking was always blamed on my skill rather than my equipment.

It wasn't until the fateful day when my husband and I received a best induction cookware set as a gift when I realized what I was missing out on My mother in law gave us a beautiful 15 piece set of Lenox stainless steel cookware and left us with permission to return them if they did not fit our needs.

My husband was very excited about the crisping abilities the stainless steel provided but I was worried about the fact that they were not non-stick.

I had never experimented with stainless steel because I was to scared to permanently ruin the pans with my lack of cooking skills.

The Best Ways To Utilize Cookware Sets

In the end, we decided to exchange the Lenox set for the Anolon Authority Hard-Anodized Nonstick 12 Piece Cookware Set. It took me a few days to unpack them from the box.

It wasn't until my husband bought fish for his birthday that I braved up and took a chance.

They were amazing! And so were my cooking abilities as it turned out Perfectly flakey fish made its way from the 8.5" skillet onto our plates. And from there, my cooking took off.

Within the next few days, I tried out a seafood chowder in the stockpot, macaroni and cheese in the larger of the two sauce pan, and beautifully golden brown grilled cheese sandwiches in the french skillet.

It was a dream! I'd never thought I could not burn a grilled cheese, let alone successfully serve grilled fish.

Choosing a cookware set can seem intimidating. After my fortunate encounter with receiving a set, I strolled through the kitchen area of my local, go-to store.

The choices were overwhelming. Stainless steel, non-stick, and cast iron just to name a few of the materials.

Then there is what is included in each set, do you need 3 saucepans or 4 skillets? In my limited experience, it worked best to jump in and figure out what would work as I went.

In my excitement, I've found multiple uses for each of my pots and pans. If you are someone with more experience with cooking, you'll probably have a much better idea of what you are looking for in a cookware set. You'll know what types of meals you cook regularly.

If you prefer the non-stick convenience over the crispiness stainless steel offers. For the newbies like me out there, it could be worth the risk of picking a set, learning to cook with it, and figuring out the best utilization for your set as you go.

Cookware an amazing and wonderful tool and a cornerstone in the kitchen. As a formerly terrible cook, it's not impossible. I love cooking and even doing the dishes is less daunting with my beautiful non-stick pans. Safe cooking!