Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Why You Need Kitchen Shears

Perhaps you are wondering. We all have different kinds of knives in our kitchen for cutting purpose, why would we need a kitchen shear. Is it any different from regular scissors? What are the uses?

Here it is, the most underrated kitchen tool, you’ll be amazed to see how versatile a kitchen shear can be.

What Is A Kitchen Shear

best kitchen scissors

It’s not a regular scissor, it’s more heavy duty by design. The handles are made of plastic or rubber, often containing teeth on the inside part. The blades are not attached permanently. Rather they come unhinged for easy cleaning purposes. They are shaped like shears.

Not a one trick pony, a kitchen shear is built for multitasking. Let’s see the reasons why you need kitchen shears.

Reasons to keep a good pair of kitchen shears

For Cutting Meats

The obvious and the main reason. Have you ever tried to cut a raw, slippery chunk of beef with knives? It’s not easy and often frustrating. Try kitchen shears from now on. The task will be rather fun.

Cutting through the soft part of a chicken can be done with a knife. But nothing can beat a good pair of the best kitchen scissors when it comes to cutting through the joints and the bones, especially the backbone.

Easily Cut Up Vegetables And Herbs

Easily Cut Up Vegetables And Herbs

No need to find your chopping board. Just take the vegetables, herbs or mushrooms in your hand, slice them into any size you want and put them directly in a bowl or container.

Open Bottle Screw Caps Easily

We all know how frustrating it can be if a new bottle cap doesn’t open up. You can use hot waters, or rubber grippers to help you with that. Or, you can just go for your kitchen shears and use the inner part of the handles which usually contain teeth-like grippers.

Cutting Foods For Toddlers

Nowadays, parents love to see their baby starts eating ‘regular’ foods. To achieve that, a pair of kitchen shears can help a lot by slicing the foods, dried vegetables, bread into small bites. It’s clean and the quickest way.

Chopping Canned Foods

Whether it’s canned tomatoes, bell peppers or pineapple rings, kitchen shears can make your job mess free. Just cut the tomatoes (or other foods) straight on the can, no touch of either hand is needed.

Cutting A Pizza Or A Bread

Cutting A Pizza Or A Bread
This can be done with a knife, that’s true. But we wouldn’t want to leave marks or scratches on our table or plate in the process of doing that. Use your kitchen shears for easy and even slices.

Risk Free

Using knives are not prohibited. Actually, they are one of the essential tools of a kitchen. But sometimes, when cutting slippery fishes, meats, or chicken through the bones, using a pair of kitchen shears is a better option.

Easy Cleaning

You might want to wash it well after cutting meat, and before using it again to cut vegetables. The blades can be disassembled easily unlike regular scissors, which means they can be washed easily and can avoid getting rusty for a long time.


It’s not going to take a lot of space, probably 8-9 inches in length. But the advantage it provides is huge. A knife needs a support, usually your table or chopping board to cut. But a pair of kitchen shears? They are independent, safe and clean. Start using it, and it will be your most used kitchen tool in no time.

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